Press Release: https://www.mastercard.com/news/europe/en-uk/newsroom/press-releases/en-gb/2024/trailblazers/
The Mastercard 2024 music trailblazers are:
- Geo Aghinea – An electronic artist harnessing innovative technology to produce distinct auditory encounters and soundscapes that sonically reflect their experience as a deaf artist.
- Elizabeth. J. Birch – An award-winning young musician known for using synthesisers, vocals, and ordinary everyday objects to craft unique sonic landscapes.
- Kris Halpin – A musician who leads Dyskinetic, a movement amplifying the intersection between music and disability. Kris is Sense’s Artistic Director of Music, and is known for his use of the innovative Mi.Mu gloves to make music.
- Joe Hastings – CEO of Music Support which helps people who work in music and live events affected by mental ill-health and/or addiction and to promote early intervention through support services, education, and workshops.
- Gawain Hewitt – One of the UK’s leading music interface innovators working on bespoke designs for people with disabilities, rooted in his belief in the power of music to drive “togetherness” and striving to ensure disability is not a limitation to the creation of music for an artist.
- Sooree Pillay – A regional producer for Orchestras Live, an organisation working with communities, young people and those with health or wellbeing issues to create and heal with music.
- Megan Steinberg – An experimental composer and abstract turntablist, Megan works with found sound, chance procedures, graphic scores, quietness and microtonality. Her PHd is focused on the creation of works for disabled musicians, new instruments, and AI, placing accessibility at the beginning of the compositional process, with a specific focus on accessibility for neurodivergent musicians to the traditional score.